Boulton, Christopher: Brewing Yeast and Fermentation, 2006
Brewers Publications: Evaluating Beer, 1998
Daniels, Ray: Designing Great Beers: The Ultimate Guide to Brewing (Classic Beer Styles Series), 1998
Dornbusch, Horst D.: Altbier: (Classic Beer Style Series), 1998
Foster, Terry: Pale Ale (Classic Beer Style Series), 1999
Foster, Terry: Porter (Classic Beer Style Series), 1998
Gaál Ernő: A sör, Gondolat, Budapest, 1988
Goldammer, Ted: The Brewer's Handbook, 2008
Hieronymus, Stan: Brew Like a Monk: Trappist, Abbey, and Strong Belgian Ales and How to Brew Them, 2005
Hieronymus. Stan: For The Love of Hops (Brewing Elements Series), 2012
Horváth Imre, Mekis Erika: Söripari technológia, Kertészeti és Élelmiszeripari Egy., Budapest, 1989
Hughes, Greg: Házi sörfőzde Libri könyvkiadó kft. , Budapest, 2014
Kiss Béla – Horváth Imre: Söripari szótár, OMIKK, Budapest, 1991
Kunze, Wofgang A sörfőzés és a malátázás technológiája Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, Budapest 1983
Lewis, Michael: Stout (Classic Beer Style Series), 1998
Markowski, Phil : Farmhouse Ales: Culture and Craftsmanship in the Belgian Tradition, 2004
Mosher, Randy: Radical Brewing: Recipes, Tales and World-Altering Meditations in a Glass, 2004
Mosher, Randy: Tasting Beer: An Insider's Guide to the World's Greatest Drink, 2009
Naarzis, Ludvig: A sörgyártás, Mezőgazdasági Kiadó, Budapest, 1983
Nachel, Marty: Homebrewing For Dummies, 2008
Noonan, Greg: Scotch Ale (Classic Beer Style Series), 1998
Oliver, Garrett: The Oxford Companion to Beer, 2011
Palmer, John: How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time, 2006
Palmer, John: Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers (Brewing Elements Series). 2013
Parker, Jim: Brown Ale: History, Brewing Techniques, Recipes (Classic Beer Style Series), 1998
Rajotte, Pierre: Belgian Ale (Classic Beer Style Series), 1998
Rajotte, Pierre: First Steps in Yeast Culture, Part One, 1994
Richman, Darryl: Bock (Classic Beer Style Series), 1998
Sparrow, Jeff: Wild Brews: Culture and Craftsmanship in the Belgian Tradition, 2005
Steele, Mitch: IPA: Brewing Techniques, Recipes and the Evolution of India Pale Ale, 2012
Strong, Gordon: Brewing Better Beer: Master Lessons for Advanced Homebrewers, 2011
Sutula, Dave: Mild Ale: History, Brewing, Techniques, Recipes (Classic Beer Style Series), 1999
Szabó Ernő-Szigeti Andor: Sörlexikon, sörtörténelem, Akadémiai kiadó, Budapest, 1995
Szabó Sándorné: Söripari technológia, É-396 Nemzeti Agrárszaktan, Képz. és Vidékfejl. Int. 2011
Tóth Nikoletta A környezeti tényezők hatása az árpa és a maláta söripari tulajdonságaira Doktori értekezés Gödöllő 2011
Vogel, Wolfgang: Sör házi készítése, HOGYF EDITIO, Budapest 2000
Warner, Eric: Kölsch: History, Brewing Techniques, Recipes (Classic Beer Style Series), 1998
Zainasheff, Jamil: Brewing Classic Styles: 80 Winning Recipes Anyone Can Brew, 2007
Zainasheff, Jamil: Yeast: The Practical Guide to Beer Fermentation (Brewing Elements Series), 2010
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